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Tribute to a Friend and Amazing Father

Recently, my good friend Paul Dross passed away. It is hard to believe I have known Paul for over 25 years, meeting him through water ski show skiing as the…

Disney Sucks – I Can’t Wait to Go Back

This winter we made our first family trip to Disney World (just weeks before Covid ripped this away from everyone else), spending three days between the Magic Kingdom, Animal Kingdom…

It Goes Fast

My wife and I started the journey of parenting relatively late in life. I was at the tender age of 40 when our first wee one popped her teeny head…

I’m Sorry

For the past three weeks I’ve been hobbling around on crutches, having had surgery to repair a ruptured Achilles tendon (I was attempting to impress a cute 6 year old…

I Will Carry You

I remember an article I read some years ago written by some random Mother. It was a beautiful revisiting of a time her daughter had shyly asked if she would…

The Stupidity of Labels

Kids confuse the shit out of me. I’m aware that they are little molds of clay figuring out life and to expect some kind of consistency or logic is like…

Capable Kids

Two years ago in the fall when my girls were 2 and 4 we were outside raking leaves when they let me know they were hungry. Being a lazy parent…

What’s Your Story?

Last week I took Kai, our six year old, for a Daddy-daughter day to Six Flags. This was her first time there and we were both pretty excited. She is…

Naughty Words

I like swearing. Not in the ‘I’m fifteen and I just said shit while smoking a cigarette so now I’m cool’ kind of way, but knowing that they are words…

Daddy’s Girls

Last week my wife was out of town for work, and I can indisputably say that those were some pretty stress free days. In fact, just about any time I…


This week our friends lost their 4 year old son Parker. He died of sepsis mere hours after sparking a fever and being taken to a Children’s hospital. There was…

You’re Not That Important

Last week I was in the kitchen when one of the countless such kid arguments erupted in the other room: “I want it!”, “Nooo, it’s my turn!”, “You had it…

I Can’t Stand My Kid

Last week (and the week before that, and before that….) my older daughter scraped her foot on a rock outside. Even from a five year old it is the type…

The Fallacy of Stranger Danger

I recently went to a local big-box hardware store and brought Keelyn, our 3 year old. She usually has a blast exploring and loves riding on the big flat carts.…

The First Year

When my wife was pregnant with our first daughter, a very good friend of mine gave me the most (only?) piece of useful advice I would receive on raising a…

Just You Wait

I was told the first one within weeks of my wife becoming pregnant: “Just you wait, you can say goodbye to sex for the next 9 months” Um, OK, I…

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